Having entered into full application Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, and regulations that develop it, hereinafter GDPR. The type of data processed and the use thereof may vary depending on the relationship we maintain with the owner/user and the services and products requested.

Responsible for the treatment:

NOMADA BEACH merchant of Spanish nationality with registered office at Platja d’Aiguadolç, Sitges, Barcelona ​​and email address: rgpd@nomadabeach.com Exercise of rights: you may exercise your rights of access, deletion, rectification, opposition, portability and limitation, communicating it in writing indicating your data to the email address rgpd@nomadabeach.com

Data Treatment:

In relation to our website, NOMADA BEACH may receive personal data through different channels, which are the following:

(i).-Identification and contact data: name, surnames, addresses, email and telephone.

Purpose of the treatments:

i) Respond to queries, provide information required by the User.

Depending on the different services provided by the Data Controller, the basis that legitimizes the treatments are those provided for in the RGPD:

(i).- Execution or fulfillment of contractual obligations.
(ii).- Legitimate Interest.
(iii).- Consent.
(iv).- Legal Imperative.

Data confidentiality and security measures:

NOMADA BEACH, as well as those who intervene in any phase of the treatment and/or the entities to whom they have been communicated – where appropriate and by virtue of the corresponding authorization conferred by the User – are obliged to observe professional secrecy and will adopt the levels of protection and the necessary technical and organizational measures within their reach that guarantee the security of personal data, avoiding, as far as possible, unauthorized access, illicit modifications, theft and/or loss of data and in order to ensure the corresponding level of security to the files of NOMADA BEACH according to the nature and sensitivity of the data provided by the users of this Website.

However, the User is warned and informed that the technical measures are not infallible or impregnable, which is why NOMADA BEACH cannot be held responsible for such practices or their consequences, especially the presence of viruses or other elements or for the damages that may arise from the presence of viruses, the connection or the download of content from the Website that cause alterations in the computer systems (hardware and software) of the User.

Communications to users

In the event that the User has expressly consented to the sending of commercial communications electronically, communications will be sent by electronic means informing the Users of the activities, services, promotions, advertising, news, offers and other information about the services and products of NOMADA BEACH equal or similar to those that were initially contracted or of interest by the User.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, all information sent by NOMADA BEACH – even by electronic means – to NOMADA BEACH Users for the purpose of carrying out, executing and/or developing any provision subscribed or contracted even if it was not subscribed by electronic means by the User and all other tasks, actions and/or activities derived from said contractual, business and/or commercial relationship.

Communication of your data to third parties:

Your data may be communicated to our service providers in order to comply with our contractual obligations, always under due guarantees in terms of data protection.

In addition, we can transmit information about you when required by legal provisions, or derived from them, when required by the contractual relationship we have with you, either because you have given consent or because there is a legitimate interest.

Data retention time:

NOMADA BEACH stores your data as long as it is necessary to fulfill our services.